Saturday, July 11, 2009

Yellowstone National Park

The main goal of our trip!! Yellowstone National Park, the first National park in the world’s history. Here everything is big, big mountains, big valleys, big canyons, big waterfalls, and of course BIG ANIMALS.

When we arrived it was 40 deg F and rain. Luckily it broke for about 20 min, so we had time to put up the tent. At 7,700 ft. every night was near freezing. Hailey got to sleep in our sleeping bag with us. For the three days we were in the park the weather was perfect, 70's durring the day and blue skys. The park rangers said it was the best they had seen all year. He said that June had been all rain and snow.

The Norris Geyser Basin

Painters Pallet

The Mud pots were the kids favorite

These things smell like sulfer, like most things in the park.

The kids loved working on the Junior Ranger books to earn their badges.

Waiting for Old Faithfull

There she is, right on schedule.

One-way water goes to the Pacific, the other the Atlantic. Both those oceans seem a long way away right now.

A female elk

Volcano Mud Pot

Buffulo tracks in the mud.

This Grizzly was one big bear. 200 yards was plenty close enough.

"Hey Boo Boo, how about a picknic basket"

The Upper Falls

Petrified wood

A few smaller male elk

Check out this rack!! (I can say that without getting in trouble :) )

Mammoth Hot springs.

See the bear claw marks on the tree. Even on the tree right out side our tent, the bark was gone from the Elk rubbing their antlers.


Check out the huge birds nest!!

The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

Nathan making friends in the camp ground.

The rain was heading in, as we were headed out. It rained when we came in, gave us perfect weather for three days, then rained on the way out.


Kevin said...

Lots of fun picts and some "artsy" ones, too. That last one is a dandy! I like a nice rack, too.

Corey Ducklow said...

I took over 500 pictures. It is hard to sort out how many of each catigory to post family/informational/artsy

It would be esier to just pick a catigory and stick with it.

So is life..